Indian Wars Illustration

Indian Wars

For Kids

Our students had quite a few questions about Indians during battles, but not perhaps the ones you might expect. Here are a couple of them. 

War Bonnets:

  • Question: How did the chief keep his huge war bonnet on his head during battle? You would think it would fall off or be pushed off or grabbed.

  • Answer: He did not wear it. All those feathers would have gotten in the way. War bonnets or headdresses were for special feasts and ceremonies. They were called war bonnets because the feathers and other decorations on them were prizes and awards given for special deeds in war.


  • Question: Did Indians wear armor or carry shields to protect themselves? 

  • Answer: Yes.  The Northwest Indians sewed thin strips of wood and leather onto their clothing to help protect them in battle. They also wore a wood collar that covered the chin and mouth. They wore a wood helmet on their heads carved like a fierce looking person or animal. The human face was supposed to scare the enemy, and an animal carving was supposed to bring good luck to the warrior in battle. Other Indians protected themselves with shields made of animal skins. Buffalo skin was very popular for use in making shields as it was very tough. The skins were dried to make them strong and hard. 


  • Question: Were tomahawks made of metal?

  • Answer: No. They were made with stone heads and wooden handles held together with leather straps. They were used as both weapons and tools. They were also used to agree to treaties and form friendships. A gift of a tomahawk was greatly appreciated by the receiver. 


  • Question: Were Native American spears made out of metal?

  • Answer: The answer to that is both yes and no, depending upon where native tribes lived in the Americas. Remember, the Americas include native tribes in North America, Central America, and South America. Native Americans who lived in Mexico and in Central and South America did use metals. In fact, they were wonderful at using metals, especially gold, for all kinds of purposes. But metals were not used by the people who lived north of Mexico, and the use of metal was practically unknown in what became the United States and Canada. Even in California, where a gold rush happened, the native Indians in that area neither gathered gold nor used it. A few gold objects have been found in the ancient Indian mounds in the Mississippi and Ohio Valleys, but there were so few of them that they probably found their way there via trade. 


  • Question: Did the Indians fight a lot of wars?

  • Answer: They did. Various tribes and nations fought with each other. They also teamed up to fight other intruders. The colonists brought guns and horses, but until then, the Indians fought on foot. They won many battles because they were clever. They were full of tricks that worked, many of which they observed by watching animals. One reason the coyote is so popular in Indian myth and legend is because the Indians learned a great deal of fighting techniques watching coyotes, like how to trick your enemy into a trap. But there was no shame in running away from a fight or a battle, so you could come back and fight another day. They wanted their warriors to live and their enemies to die. 

Trail of Tears

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