Child of Water and Little Blue Rock (old story) - How The Apache Found Good Luck Illustration

Child of Water
and Little Blue Rock

How the Apache
Found Good Luck

Once upon a time, four monsters lived on the earth. They were horrible monsters. They loved to catch the People and eat them. This did not make them very popular with the People. Whenever the monsters approached, all the People ran away.

One night, a monster stomped up to the wickiup of Child of Water and his mother. Before his mother could stop him, Child of Water challenged the monster to a contest.

"Here are the rules," said Child of Water. He carefully explained that he would be on one side and the monster would be on the other. Both sides would have a chance to shoot four arrows at each other, at the same time. Whichever killed the other first would get all the food. "Do you accept these rules and promise to obey them?" chanted Child of Water, in the way of the people. Child of Water was only a very small boy. But he knew the chant was binding. It was a promise that must be kept.

"I'll play your silly game," laughed the monster. "First I'll shoot you full of arrows. Then I'll eat you, your mother, and all your food!" Just thinking about this satisfying treat had the monster smacking his lips hungrily.

As both fighters took their positions, Child of Water leaned down and picked up a turquoise blue rock. The rock was a gift from the gods, a thing of protection. But Child of Water did not know that. While he was looking at his rock, the monster quickly shot four arrows at Child of Water. This was against the rules, but the monster did not care. Much to his surprise, all the monster's arrows missed Child of Water. Quickly, before the monster could do anything else against the rules, Child of Water shot an arrow at the monster. The arrow pierced the monster's heart and killed him dead.

By then, everyone had gathered around. It was obvious that the Devil Dancers were among them. What a noise they made that night rejoicing!

The next day, Child of Water's mother bore a hole in that lucky blue rock. She strung it into a necklace. Ever after, Child of Water wore the blue rock around his neck for love and luck. Over time, Child of Water found many blue rocks. He made a wonderful necklace for his mother, to keep her safe as well.

As time went on, and as Child of Water grew taller, each monster came to challenge him. Each time, wearing his lucky blue rock, each monster's arrows missed Child of Water. But Child of Water's arrows killed each monster, every time, until all the monsters were gone.

As all Apache children know, it is a wise thing to hunt for turquoise blue rocks. If you find one, you too might find yourself some luck.

Same Story - Child of Water and Little Blue Rock by Lin Donn, illustrated by Phillip Martin, in PowerPoint format

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